There are a number of dermatological diseases called fungi. The general name of such an infection is "mycoses". If we talk about diseases of the skin of the feet, these are dermatomycoses. If the nail plate is affected, the doctor diagnoses "onychomycosis". This is one of the most common pathologies in humans.
Dermatologists distinguish several types of fungal infections in humans:
- anthropophiles;
- zooanthropophiles;
- candida.
The first cause infections in humans, the second - in humans and animals, and the third - yeast-like.
Causes of fungal pathologies

Fungal spores are found in large quantities in the soil, on surfaces and in common areas. We go home on public transport, go to the swing with our children, buy groceries at the supermarket, work with people in the same room and interact with pets. Why do some people get sick and others don't?
There are groups of the population that are more susceptible to fungal diseases than others. Let's look at them in more detail:
People with reduced immunity. When the body is weakened by surgery or serious illness, it is less resistant to various infections, including fungal ones.Children and the elderly. Both groups are prone to pathologies due to age characteristics. The young body is not yet strong enough, and the elderly already have a large number of chronic diseases that weaken the body.People with metabolic diseases caused by disorders of the thyroid gland, pancreas, pituitary gland, and circulatory and lymphatic systems.Workers in hazardous industries involving high temperatures. In such an environment, conditions are created for the development and spread of foot fungus.Lovers of gyms, saunas, pools. In themselves, these activities are very useful, but failure to observe the basic sanitary and hygienic norms regarding the disinfection of these premises leads to the appearance of a problem such as fungus.
Doctors distinguish the following types of fungal diseases of the feet: mycosis, ringworm and candidiasis. It is believed that men are most often affected by fungus, although this is a controversial statement. They are less scrupulous about their health, so the disease is advanced.
Main signs of diseases

Visually determining the presence of foot fungus is not at all difficult. If you notice redness, your leg begins to itch strongly, even painfully, blisters appear that burst, the skin peels and an unpleasant odor appears, you most likely have a fungal infection.
This can happen if you have stepped barefoot on sports equipment, the floor of a fitness club, or contracted it from a pet. After all, there are fungi that are transmitted from animals to their owners. Taking a shower after a shift at the factory can also reward you with this nuisance. Using other people's toiletries - soap, towels, towels is not only unhygienic, but also dangerous.
The disease can start from the skin, and later the nails and the area between the fingers are affected. This is a very serious cosmetic defect. Irregularities in the shape of the nail plate. It begins to crumble, change color and may disappear completely. The nail bed becomes inflamed. This is not just a cosmetic defect, it is a pathology that brings physical suffering. It even becomes painful for a person to walk.
How to recognize foot fungus
To tell exactly what type of dermatomycosis is present, to clarify whether it is really a fungus or a callus, calluses or calluses, you should visit a dermatologist. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor performs a visual examination and prescribes laboratory diagnostics: skin and nail samples are taken. This allows you to clarify which type of fungus is found. Only then is appropriate therapy prescribed. Each type is treated differently.
You can identify the fungus yourself with potassium permanganate. This is done as follows: dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Place the limb in a bowl of solution and observe. Good, healthy nails darken, but infected nails remain the same color.
Treatment is usually conservative, at home. It consists of the following mandatory points:
Taking medication by mouth to destroy fungal spores carried by blood and lymph.Local treatment. The use of ointments, creams, special liquids to eliminate the dermatological manifestations of the fungus. The manipulations are performed after a pedicure and cutting of the affected nails.Sanitary and hygienic measures. They consist in the disinfection of clothes and shoes. This destroys the spores of the infection.
Fungi are complex, recurring infections, so therapy must be effective. After a certain time, from two weeks to a month, with careful observance of the recommendations, recovery occurs.